Fuck Your Positivity
A community where you post something extremely positive about yourself, your day, or how good you are feeling so our community of unhappy, negative fuckin pessimists can spin the situation negatively to where there is nothing positive about it at all. This is a non serious playful community. Only join if you can laugh at yourself and take a joke. Let us turn your amazing moments into absolute crap!
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Welcome to Lemdit!
Lemdit is a relaxed general-purpose Lemmy instance for everyone.
Please read the Lemdit ethos for our stance on content, communities, federation and more.
Head over to Lemdit Official to find out everything about Lemdit and stay up to date with the latest happenings.
Check out Lemmy Help for more information on Lemmy and the Fediverse, or to ask some questions.
Alternative front-ends
You can also enjoy Lemdit through these alternative front-ends:
- m.lemdit.com - beautiful mobile web client for Lemmy (Voyager)
- old.lemdit.com - familiar desktop experience for Lemmy (mlmym)
- a.lemdit.com - beautiful desktop-first web UI for Lemmy (Alexandrite)
- p.lemdit.com - alternative web client with the UI of Xylo (Photon)
Service monitoring
- status.lemdit.com - Lemdit status
- lestat.org - Lemmy instance status