Anytime anything popular gets dragged here there’s always a few “let people enjoy things” and “don’t ruin peoples fun” and “don’t be a weird cynical hipster” and what have you.
Except for the most popular series of children books in history. For whatever reason that’s apparently weapons free for Hater Team 6 to go to town on. I’ve seen people say was shouldn’t ruin peoples “favorite toy” when it comes to sports, Twilight, Marvel Movies and astrology, but what makes those sacrosanct and Harry Potter fair game?
This applies somewhat to Hamilton too.
“Let people enjoy things” is a type of liberalism and doesn’t really fly here. Media criticism is important, and people discussing the media they enjoy will generally include acknowledgements of the problems with it — otherwise, it invites criticism from the forum at large, which is acceptable.
“Let people enjoy things” as a concept means “don’t think critically about this work or point out its flaws because I like it” which really isn’t how leftists operate. You can certainly enjoy things despite their flaws, but you’re not given a free pass to stan the slavery apologia musical or the terf series without acknowledging all of the things that are fucked up about it.
HP in particular is a hard thing for most of us to continue enjoying to any degree, given that engaging with HP in this day and age is a tacit endorsement of transphobia and we love our trans comrades and hate bigotry.