It definitely throws people off, especially the cisgendered queers. Saying queer instead of lgbt or gay helps people who are not in the gender binary and if I’m being completely honest a word like bisexual is trans-exclusionary, just from my personal experience bisexuals do not want to have sex with trans people, the ones that do are called pansexuals. Don’t even get me started on how much of the lesbian community is terf reactionary because they don’t want to associate with trans people. The gay community same deal. And why does the l at the start of the acronym? Why not TPGNBL or something else? The whole acronym order is the main reason why I’m using queer. How can we be equal if we put specific sexual groups in front of each other? Queer is all encompassing and we should use that instead. If we could change the pride flag we could phase out lgbt.

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just from my personal experience bisexuals do not want to have sex with trans people, the ones that do are called pansexuals

from my personal experience as a bi trans woman dating other bi trans women, that’s just not true. Bi and pan almost seem like synonyms to me. i know there’s people who use the MOGAI nomenclature instead of LGBT+ and who define bi as “being attracted to exactly two genders”, but i’ve never met anybody that definition applies to, whether irl or online. there’s other ways to differentiate these terms that just make more sense to me. maybe pan implies an even more egalitarian sense of attraction, where you do not have a preference for any gender, while bi could still mean being more attracted to femme presenting people or being more attracted to masc presenting people. i often feel as if bi is just an umbrella term, and that bisexuality is actually a spectrum ranging from “almost completely straight” to “almost completely gay” and in that case pansexual would be the area right in the middle of these two poles, but that’s just my interpretation and after all it’s not unusual for bisexuals to be more gay on some days, more straight on other days and so on. if other people define bi and pan differently, that’s fine. such labels are just starting points to describe a subject too complex for such simple categories.

nice bait, tho.
