serious question - if Jews in a ghetto during WW2 got together some weapons, revolted, left the ghetto and killed a bunch of German civilians partying right outside the ghetto, would you call it “genocidal” and “terrorism” and say “yes, while Nazi Germany is bad, so are these Jews who committed terrorism”?
it doesn’t suck for you to take the high road, you’re sitting in the west living a comfortable life, it’s super easy for you to ‘condemn’ both sides and go on with your day. what are Gazans supposed to do? they’re living in hell on earth, and the entire world had turned their backs on them.
peacefully protest? they’ve tried that
try to get the word out about how bad their situation is? they’ve tried that
what should they have done instead? just do nothing and let Israel keep building settlements and murdering them and commit a slow genocide? I can’t blame them for violently struggling in whatever means possible. even under international law, occupied populations have the right to engage in armed struggle. it sucks that it came to this, but Israel is responsible for every death that happens because they want to commit genocide against the native population rather than peacefully coexist.
The Jews would have been justified in killing every German they could get their hands on if it could help stop the Holocaust.
A genocidal society has no right to claim the mercy of a civilian/soldier distinction. They do not recognize it themselves.
It is a horrible tragedy on a personal level. No one person has any power over the situation they find themselves in, but that is the brutal logic of war. Societies will feel less safe in engaging in targeting civilians if their own are subject to retaliation when they do so.
Sitting on the side lines whining about “both sides bad!” during the literal Holocaust is not “taking the high road.” It’s being an unprincipled coward.
And MLK had pretty scathing words for people like you.