THANK YOU ALL! I’m sitting in the office about to tear up now. I’ll keep this thread up for a little while longer just so you can all see the thanks, then I’ll delete this. It doesn’t need to be up anymore. If there’s anything I can ever do for you, PLEASE let me know.
Fuck yes. Glad you made this. To anyone else who is struggling, remember there is no shame in asking for help.
It’s payday for me so I kicked you some cash. Hope it helps comrade :penguin-love:
Hey hey, just replied to you on Venmo actually. Thank you SO much, and PLEASE let me know if I can do anything for you :stalin-heart:
I make spooky Cthulhu doomnoise with a heavily downtuned guitar. I should really get a bow to use on it, one of my old bandmates had one he would use when we would do drone material. Happy to send you my band links over DM if that’s your jam!
More like doom/drone. Sunn meets Bonripper type stuff. Idk, we’re kinda weird. I always just call it “Lovecraftian instrumental doom,” but “Cthulhu doomnoise” came to me a few weeks ago and I liked it, so I’ve recently just taken to calling it that.
Sent what I could, good luck! :ancom-heart: