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Idk wtf you’re talking about but that comic is pretty cool and funny
whenever someone goes “the curtains were fucking blue!!1!1!” I usually just assume they’re some stupid teenager who just hates doing their English homework
or if confirmed not a literal child, then I think they’re just too dense to understand art that isn’t spoonfed to them on TV. reductionist indeed
Yeah there’s plenty of room for criticism when it comes to people reading into a thing that aren’t really there, but my god there are some types of people that you can slather on the symbolism so hard that anyone with an analytical mind instantly hates it for being too pushy and they still won’t understand.
Like yes color language is a real thing that real authors often use in writing, sometimes even unconsciously because that’s just how we group with the colors of symbols in our head. Red often means stop, danger, or passion. Even if a writer didn’t think about it actively, you probably don’t see bright yellows and pinks in a situation that is meant to be dangerous. They’re likely to use some form of red just because that’s what comes naturally to us.
I also still see it all the time. Especially with gamers and the Disney crowd.
i think it’s just anti-intellectualism from high schoolers who (quite reasonably) don’t see a use for literary analysis.
Tbf you could also argue that the entire concept of shit you are taught having a direct materially beneficial(usually monetary) use is a part of the education system under capitalism fundamentally being built to train a labor workforce.
Even if I dont have any direct practical use for any of the analytical tools I learned or the analysis I occasionally do on my own, I feel that I benefit in some abstract way by having them.
I think critically examining literature is a good thing for young people to be exposed to, and that reading generally is beneficial to the human spirit, but it’s difficult, especially with the resources available to public school teachers, to make it feel like more than just wank and busywork.
It is just a wank. That is all literature analysis is. Its value is that people enjoy arguing about the fun parts of a story.
For some reason it has turned into something like numerology but with academic clout. People do free association between symbols in their favorite literature, and they think they are both doing critical thinking and learning something about the world. But it will never be a legitimate academic subject, because it has no way of knowing.