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tell him that he’s a liar and a nazi and that you don’t associate with Nazis, but rather, you give them the opportunity to stare at the wall or wear a sack on their heads
he is an economics prof after all, so you really can’t say much and have it stick.
dude has stewed in the Kool Aid of “neoclassical econ” prion disease for decades. So you definitely have a low probability of actually getting through to him either of these ways, because he is baiting you after all. If this is a personal message and not on publicly viewable social media, I would say disengage, but if you value his opinion or are feeling edgy…
you can go one of two routes imo Grover Furr says that according to his research, Stalin never committed any crimes, and he goes through most of them with aplomb and zeal. Furr is based, but not really “accepted” among the liberal elite nor taken seriously by most other historians in academia. You can use Furr’s evidence without naming him, and you can see what makes Furr a practically lone voice in a sea of easily swallowed anti-communist propaganda or you can go the RD Wolff “classical Marxian” route of co-ops and “economic democracy”, then say what you want to about “state capitalism” and the transition period without ever using the phrase “not real communism”… just watched that video last night btw. Wolff is a boss, but also off in his own corner of the sandbox for the most part.
I think you can even use arguments from both, but try not to let this dolt’s BS about “100 million dead” dissuade you. If he is making those claims, he has to prove them lol. So, this “economics professor” idiot should be able to demonstrate his knowledge to you, rather than the other way around. gl hf
wait, so he’s a former professor?
Why is he bullying a high school student to feel big about his poor life choices or did I just answer my own question?
oh cool. that seems like a normal thing to do to a former student. if he went out of his way to totally own you with facts and logic, the ball is in your court right now.
you could write an essay or just send him the pigpoopballs lol
edit: i just read that you’re still in high school? i thought you were in college. thats so much fucking worse. dont be afraid to tell him to fuck off. he has no authority over you, and you owe him absolutely nothing
Is “fuck off you washed up old loser” an option?