Trailblazing Braille Taser
Dats a goose
Is it just me or is this missing one TO DO?
Cryptocurrency is not necessarily anonymous. Buying bitcoin from a broker leaves a record connecting your payment method to your wallet. Even if you mine them yourself, doesn’t your IP address show up on the public ledger? I guess if you somehow bought bitcoin in cash…
Is there a more private cryptocurrency I’m not considering?
Besides the obvious flaws… is that parameter a list named list
, shadowing the list()
The implications of “magic is data” are fun. It leads to stories like Unsong where you can brute-force enumerate incantations until you find a good one. I also like the concept of Wizard’s Bane. I haven’t read it, but my understanding is that magic turns out to be Turing-complete, and the protagonist creates a LISP evaluator in magic, which enables them to outcast their enemies who are still doing the magical equivalent of writing assembly.
Think like an MBA… put boy shows on Hisney and girl shows on Hersney. Oh, and Hersney should be pink and cost 20% more.
Shitty headline, it should clarify that it’s EM radiation.
The concept of gaslighting has been diluted beyond recognition. It used to mean lying to someone with the goal of making them question their own sanity. Now, it just means lying.