I’m Australia people with a disability card are permitted to park like this if all of the disability parks are full. The card is displayed in the front window, so it wouldn’t be visible from this angle.
The forum post you were referring to.
Put the address in last. You can’t accidentally send an unfinished email if there is no-one to send it to.
It’s a search bar. If you have files on the desktop it will highlight the first file that matches the currently entered text.
It works the same as in the file manager.
I managed to get a vehicle to grid (V2G) charger recently. When these make mass market it will be a huge deal.
My car has about 5x the energy storage of a standard house battery, so I can run the house for several days from the car.
A better option is to switch to wholesale prices. When the wholesale prices go negative (which happens fairly often in SA), I get paid to charge my car. When energy prices spike, I get paid a lot to discharge my car. My last energy bill was about -$190 for a month (not a typical month, I got $170 when the grid interconnecter was down for a day, which caused high prices all day).
I’ve never had any issues with running out of charge, and I don’t think I’ll ever pay for electricity again.
Customise the displayed clock. I have 3 monitors, a taskbar on each, and at least one clock on each. From left to right my clocks show:
Unix time (1695110535)
Full datetime (2023-09-19T17:32:15 +0930)
12 hour time (5:32)
Abbreviated datetime (Tuesday, 2023-09-19, 17:32).
If I wanted to, I could display the datetime as YYYY-hh-MM, ss:DD:mm. I’m fairly sure this is not possible on windows.
Protests are either inconvenient or ineffective.
I hope these protests work. Fossil fuel companies don’t need more subsidies.
Thanks for this post. It has taken me down the rabbit hole of new software.
I now have f-droid and simpletask on my phone, sleek on my computer, and syncthing on both.
I have needed a really simple to-do list synchronised between my phone and computer for years, and just didn’t know this was an option. I’m very happy now.
Under communism, man exploits man.
Under capitalism, it’s the other way around.