Alvierk [he/him]
Whomst amongst us hasn’t imagined radicalizing the bunny?
Not a decent rockabilly band amongst them as well
Loveless - My Bloody Valentine
A Day in the Stark Corner - Lycia
L’amour - Euternase
Rain Dogs - Tom Waits
Hilltop Blues - Bazooka Benny
Smell of Female - The Cramps
These are the albums I’ve had circulating recently. Some of them are season-specific and others have just been stuck in my brain for months.
Beltway Garage is like the only part of Chapo Trap House that I enjoy anymore. We love our smooth boy Mr. Texas, don’t we folks?
I live down south in a bordertown in Texas so it hasn’t rocked us as hard as the big cities. The closest major urban center El Paso is at 100% capacity in their hospitals rn and honestly it’s a glaring sign that the rest of us in the boonies are straight fucked by the time covid hits us hard.
Last night my local BLM org held a candlelight vigil for hope on the courthouse lawn. It was super lib in theory, but ended up being a lot more about coming together as a community in solidarity the eve of the election. I got to play guitar in a band in front of a crowd for the first time ever too, which isn’t praxis but was pretty rad.
And I’m here in Texas using cannabis for my PTSD going…
Aww please tell them “psspsspsspsspss” for me