an angrier terrarian
Self proclaimed frog expert
Full time dwarf
italian (ew)
any pronoun because idk
i quite enjoy terraria
god send help ive played 2000 hours of terraria and 2000 more of factorio
i love faking being good at programming
protogen af
Recognize the value you bring to the table. You arent a nobody, you arent unfunny, you arent annoying and you definetly arent a nuisance to anyone around you. I did things that i regret, ive distanced myself from most of my friends thinking i was just deadweight. This all stopped when those friends called me on a saturday night asking if i wanted to play games. Only then did i realize it was all in my head and i mattered to someone outside my relatives.
I steal them. I stole all of my memes. I stole them from reddit, i stole them from discord, i steal memes from here. The only oc memes i have involve self hate (very icky).
Dominating my friends: weak, no confidence, sparks sadness
Getting dominated by my friends: strong, great confidence, sparks joy
Happy Sisyohus, unknown artist - 2023.
Yes =3