I dislike 5th edition for a lot of reasons, but this is extremely oversimplified binary thinking.
A compiler. I mean, yeah, I guess I could go back to writing asm, but I really don’t want to.
I use the “short meetings” option in gcal, which shortens meetings by 5-10 minutes to give me a passing period between meetings. Twice this week people have had the audacity to try and schedule a meeting in that break. 😬
It’s played on a hex grid?
The first symptoms were snoring, then needing naps, and then eventually losing evenings because I was so out of it.
Weight isn’t everything when it comes to sleep apnea. I have a friend who is skinny as a twig and runs marathons, but she has terrible apnea without her cpap.
Go get yourself tested, untreated apnea will damage your heart and can kill you.
I mostly agree, but there is some subtlety.
Taking pictures of an event or thing is pretty weird. But taking a few pictures of friends and family is great. Going to the zoo to take a picture of an animal is pretty silly, but getting a quick snap of my kids seeing a giraffe for the first time is pretty great. Same with taking a selfie with my friends at a concert. Obviously, I’m not spending a lot of time trying to set up an instagram perfect photo, just a quick candid here and there.
I love seeing them show up in various timeline apps and albums later and remembering the day.
In short, take quick pictures of your loved ones and then enjoy the moment.
I just tried it and it actually works! 🤣
It’s pretty easy as long as you are comfortable with basic maker things like soldering and wire cutting. You can use a PiZero, Arduino or a Leo Bodnar board for the core electronics which makes it super simple and a lot of fun.
Um, no. If you’re having a problem with trolling you need to talk to a doctor about balance and mobility issues.