Stupid tankies, don’t you know that the see see pee banned my roblox account!1!1!1
Is Israel the new reddit country?
Who in their right mind would want to buy a t-shirt of the fricking F-35!? The shittiest fighter jet known to mankind?
Better yet, why would you buy anything from LOCKHEED FREAKING MARTIN?
Fuck YOU ameriKKKan, kiss my ass you worthless pathetic fool. Your country has killed thousands. You bombed the countries of MY people and you ignorant statesians DARE to call us terrorists and make bomb jokes about us? You truly are an ignorant mindless IDIOT. Not to worry though, your empire of “freedom and democracy” shall fall and your allies will fall too. DEATH TO AMERIKKKA! DEATH TO THE WEST!
Finland: Bootlicking fascists since 1939.