also, humans are really bad at rote memorization and this is a bad metric for you to use, in life.
Ask people on the street why NOx is bad. What about an easy one like methane? Or how about asking someone whether driving your car for 30 miles or eating a hamburger is worse for the environment (yes, its obviously the hamburger). Etc, etc, etc.
signal is my favorite sms app
but for one that isn’t a joke, qksms is solid
i have everything set up with syncthing to my desktop, laptop, and for key, key things, to a cloud vps i use for misc stuff
i also use seedvault (avail on calyx, graphene, i think lineage) but honestly i prefer to do a fresh setup so i really just care about my data, and i always use apps that can store their data in an arbitrary location (ie aegis for 2fa, music is easy, photos are easy, and pretty much everything else your phone is just a fancy web cache for)
this is easily solved:
- Propose, and take action towards, murdering the wealthiest 0.1% of the country
- Pause, and give them a chance to give up their money
See, now #2 is efficient, because the alternative is their immediate death, which would be worse than giving up money.
economists don’t want you to know this 1 neat trick