The beauty of my new outlook is that I don’t have to know what any of that shit means. I just have to save up until i can move to the middle of nowhere.
I honestly believe at this point that he’ll bring down the empire by having it go the way of the soviet union. The American Federation that takes its place will be arguably worse but at least we’ll have twenty years before the next nuclear crisis. I just want to grill.
Something something we need the Senkaku Islands back something something if Russia can attack Ukraine than China can press claims on the ryukyu islands from 150 years ago.
Arguable America was doing the same thing when it was supporting Rojava before it caved to the Turks. (thanks Trump) The world chose barbarism, just grill while it falls.
Yeah that…that is not a escalation I expected. It’s like the worst possible move the west could take right now unless it wants China to attack Taiwan right fucking now.
Counterpoint: We only like Syria because it is wedged between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Baathism doomed arab socialism is not to be admired. Russia supports rightwing and left wing regimes on a basis of realpolitik, not antiimperialism.