Worlds largest prison built in China
Town, NYC
The ROC was an absolute joke of a state. Even if the communists suddenly disappeared in 1927 and Mao never got into politics and stayed an elementary school teacher. The country politically and economically would at best look like India and most likely be like Russia. Also a lot of these KMT Chinese Americans and larpers like to think that the racism will end once China is wholesome democracy chungus. Newsflash, it won’t. Yeah Japan has its problems but notice how they still act with racist orientalist comments when something in Japan shows up or the same with South Korea. Also to think that Chiang didn’t have half a backbone in him. Anyone else who succeeds him just try to play the Soviets and the US around like India did. China and it’s sheer size will not try to koutou that easily to the US and if it did. Nothing will change. Global warming will be rapidly accelerated. You will still barely make enough to live, shrinkflation will happen. Queer rights are going to go down the shitter and racism will still be an issue against these Twinkies.
Although India, Ukraine and Japan are bad in their own unique ways. I still feel as someone else who is ethnic Chinese, probably the UK, the ultimate source of the scourge that is the five eyes nations. A collapsing country is what they deserve for what they’ve done. In terms of active damage, the French with their own colonial endeavors in West Africa and on the islands of New Caledonia
I personally would had considered selling the account if you had that much karma