ButYourChainsOk [he/him]
Was looking for an extra wall charger for my niece’s switch all summer but everywhere I went was sold out for like almost 2 months. Finally saw them at my local Walmart while picking up some other shit. Went to ring it up at self checkout and I guess since they didn’t have it for a while I scanned it, the thing beeped that it scanned, but it didn’t go towards my total. Old habits immediately kicked in and I just threw it in my bag and put the bag in my cart. Once I got back out I got a little ballsy and went back in to grab the other 3 that were on the rack. Picked up some bags of candy as well. Lo and behold the first time wasn’t a fluke and all of them scanned but didn’t add to my total. I think the guy that unlocked the thing on the rack knew what was up but I had a little back and forth with him the first time he unlocked it so he was cool about it. Now my niece, 2 of my friends, and I all have extra wall chargers for our switch. Little bit of uncle magic I gotta say.
How do I delete someone else’s post?
Lately for me it’s been mainly Sturgill Simpson - A Sailors Guide to Earth and the Talking Heads - Remain in Light. Idk about all time favorites but those two rank for me and have been in heavy rotation. If we’re talking all time records I’d have to say the Band - Stage Fright and Moondog Matinee, John Hartford - Aeroplane, the Postal Service - Give Up, Fugazi - Repeater, Parliament - Mothership Connection, Dr John - Gumbo, the Meters - self titled, and Pink Floyd - Meddle
Made an account specifically to comment on this. 2 questions: What did you use to thicken it? Did you use okra?
Making gumbo is legit my only skill that I am confident in. I also make a pretty sick vegan gumbo but I’m still working on the recipe.
Roasting a chicken rather than just getting frozen shredded chicken is an A+ move. Also, after going over it with my girlfriend I misspoke in my last comment. The order should be thicken and then season. I just do the whole process on auto pilot at this point and I’m not used to typing it out. I’ll have to seek out that spice blend. I always like testing out new stuff like that. I highly suggest trying to find some filé powder (also called filé gumbo). It’s a very subtle flavor that you have to use a lot of for it to make a difference but it really takes it to another level.
Next time I’d suggest making a roux, equal parts melted butter and flour mixed in a hot pan until the roux starts to pull away from the sides of the pan. Cook the veg and meat, add broth, season with filé powder and cajun seasoning (don’t overthink it Emerald or Paul Prudhomme’s premade are both great), then thicken, and add okra last after thickening. I’m sure you can make roux with lard but I never have.
If you really want to take it to the next level make a brown roux by making the roux in a cast iron pan and putting that in the oven at 350 for about 3 to 4 hours or until you start to see cracks on the top of it. Take it out just when you are going to thicken and stir it in while it’s still hot. This is expert level gumbo making and it’s easy to burn/scald yourself.
I hope this doesn’t come off condescendingly, what you have in the picture looks great! Just want to use my gumbo knowledge to help everyone have better gumbo if I can. It’s my favorite dish aside from a high quality smoked pulled pork. Hope this helps!
Adrian Belew is the fuckin man and absolutely makes that record what it is. I highly suggest watching the talking heads live in Rome concert if you haven’t. One of my favorite pro shot live shows to watch. Also, phish covered the whole album on Halloween in 96. I think the whole set is on youtube. Cheech that out too even if you’re not into phish.