Camaron29 [he/him]
Shae becomes a surprisingly pitiful and sympathetic character once you realize this. When she appeared in the trial while i was reading the books for the first time i really hated her.
But of course she betrayed T, i mean, wtf, you are literally paying her, she doesn’t owe you anything and she could be killed at any moment. How dare you even think you “deserve” her you incel fuck.
I really like ASOIAF but i haven’t really engaged with it in a few years. I’ll return to the fandom when the new series drops.
What always surprises me is not how they misinterpret the outright text in these films. I mean, i can watch a right wing movie and develop a leftist analysis, that makes sense, but these people seem incapable of even doing that.
I mean, ok, a right wing analysis of The Boys: big government bad, vaught is doing corporatism, the boys and starlight are good because they are being the checks and balances for the system while using their liberty as individuals…
Berserk has already finished for me, but i will support Mori and watch “his berserk” with interest.
I mean, i get your point but i got a little mad because it felt very “both side-ism”, specially since the Boys belongs to Amazon and that felt more likely than them being secretly based communists. There’s a difference between communists going “both sides” and liberals doing it.
Maybe my opinion will change once i watch the newer season.