
CantTrip [she/her]

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Yeah because it’s much easier to exploit people who care about the future of their communities than it is to exploit people who will gladly allow the meadow on the other side of town to be bulldozed if it means they get a Red Mango closer to their house

Our competition with one another for everything is the most obviously exploitable thing wtf


And that’s like saying “There’s always going to be rape,” and then not being anti-rape or even being pro- rape.

But then they’ll turn around and say 'but greed isn’t always bad," which I mean lol


You are not against the death penalty in principle lol

It’s not a principle if all it takes for it to go out the window is someone saying “yeah but the victim was a pregnant woman…”


Don’t apologize. My cats are indoor and only go outside on a harness. But as a cat lover, when people bemoan the ecological harm, I just aggressively agree. They want to sterilize all stray and feral cats and move as many inside into homes as possible as the street population dies out? Encourage owners to keep cats safe and happy indoors if possible? Yeah, me too. Who’s doing that work… people who love cats or hate cats?

Unless they just wanna kill all the cats, the only viable solution to ecological harm is the same goal that advocates have for the well being of cats.


Yeah, there seems to be a gap between September (which is covered in their big working paper) to the above predictions. But here’s an overview of that paper:

Our findings suggest that rates of monthly poverty increased from around 15 percent in February 2020 to 16.7 percent in September 2020, even after taking the CARES Act’s transfers into account. In April 2020, the peak of the crisis so far, the CARES Act effectively blunted a rise in poverty rates, contributing to a decline in poverty of 5.5 percentage points relative to what would have occurred in the absence of those benefits. However, the expiration of the CARES Act’s core benefits – the stimulus checks and $600 per week unemployment supplement – contributed to monthly poverty rates above pre-crisis levels by September 2020. Our projections suggest, however, that the CARES Act’s income supports were not successful in fully blunting the rise in deep poverty, defined as having resources below half the poverty threshold.

Black and Hispanic individuals faced high rates of monthly poverty relative to white individuals before the crisis, but these differences have been magnified after the crisis and after the expiration of the $600 per week unemployment supplements, in particular. By September, the monthly poverty rate for Black and Hispanic individuals was 25.2 percent and 25.8 percent, respectively, compared to 12 percent for white individuals.


I’m glad! I know from having guinea pigs years ago that it can be hard to find good small animal vet care, and vet care is expensive too. So I’m glad it all worked out. More time with our critters is always precious, no matter what kind of animal.


It’s just… my fruit isn’t interactive at all! It’s hard to choose eating fruit (boring) over a more engaging activity like changing the settings on my smart aquarium.


This comment is a textbook example of using PoC’s preferences (as you estimate them) as a stand- in for legitimacy in your reasoning.

And is the ultimate “white college educated middle class” thing to do.

A lot of Black women are inspired to be politically engaged by Neera Tanden. Does that mean Neera Tanden is good?

This line of rhetoric is very patronizing at best, objectifying at worse.

I actually know people who are most affected by neoliberal capitalism in real life - working class POCs

“Before I make my argument, let me just say, I have lots of Black friends…”


I definitely wanted to get sober. I think most people who say they want to get sober are telling the truth. It’s just very, very hard to accomplish. There’s a lot of immediate suffering for what’s hopefully a long term payoff - and that’s the exact opposite of the addiction mindset, you know?

So I kept trying, and eventually succeeded. I definitely used again after the worst period (which you can only identify in retrospect). I learned a little each attempt and the final one was a lucky combination and I had a shred of hope for the future.

Which is why I really think giving addicts resources, support, and hope is a better bet than the framing that negative things are happening and will keep happening until they get sober. (And I’m not saying it’s a dichotomy and you’re all about the latter).

And of course you can and should only help in the ways that are safe and healthy for you. It’s so common for recovered addicts to want to work with other addicts but it has its dangers too, which we must stay vigilant about. Not helping because it’s unhealthy for you is a good enough reason all in its own! It’s independent from the question of whether or would help or hurt the addict.


Aww how is your ferret now?
