
I’m an ethnically palestinian honduran who currently lives in china and I consider myself to be a proud marxist
from my personal experience the need to collapse as you describe it stems moreso from the geopolitical position the societies of these liberal countries find themselves in moreso than the nature of their political ideology. it is in order to convince themselves of the need to continually take actions to protect their own interests and preferential position. I imagine it was probably pretty similar within nazi germany toward their opponents or within the soviet union against nazi germany. this is something I feel a lot of americans don’t exactly realize. anti-americanism is not as pervasive across the world as you may be led to believe and is definitely not at the same level of hate you’ll see with americans regarding china or other examples. this was especially weird to me when I first heard the song Eve of Destruction with the lyric “And think of all the hate there is in Red China” because the chinese really do not hate americans they just want to work together with them for mutual benefit. same sentiment was heard when putin gave his now famous interview with tucker carlson
the CPC has allowed muslims to be members during large parts of china’s history and most members don’t consider themselves athiests in different polls that have been taken. other countries like afghanistan allowed people to be religious in their parties and theres video proof of many of them praying at mosques and such. its not as outlandish as you’d be lead to believe
I don’t think this has much to do with liberalism. howmany leftists, might be more politically correct for me to use neo-nazis as the example but whatever, have you talked to who say things like navalny is a nazi, all ukrainian troops are nazis, the free syrian army are isis, also isis is isis, israelis are nazis, kulaks were parasites, or the most classical one germans were nazis. just seems like people in general prefer to be against caricatures and comically evil people rather than humans
I’m glad people are finally realizing why leftists fought so hard for freedom of speech back in the early 20th century especially when ww1 was ongoing
I’m not entirely sure howmany of the politicians in america actually believe their propaganda about ukrainian heroes and democracy and stuff and howmany are neocons wishing to deal a blow against russia
they’re reminding you china is a totalitarian country with censors which affects the creation of movies and what movies people are allowed to enjoy. on the subject of chinese animated films I would like to see them move further away from japanese style animation and return more to the stuff they had in the 60s like havoc in heaven. its time for china’s media industry to stand on its own two feet
I would say reddit is generally negative about the united states and positive about europe because its full of social democrats but the site as a whole buys the american empire apologetics wholesale (assad is evil, ukraine is good, russia is evil, israel is good, hamas is evil, taiwan is good, china is evil etc)
post ww2 the united states was largely carried by its automobile industry and the housing boom propelled by the large number of veterans returning with the ability to get cheap mortgages along with american businesses in general being more competitive than the ones from bombed out countries in europe which were quickly losing their unwieldy empires. china on the otherhand made its rise through developing cheaper and consistent manufacturing replacements to western alternatives. all this is kind of besides the more important point that economically speaking its typically better to provide unequal services or even no services at all to a segment of a population in favor of another one. its why china under deng privitized large segments of its healthcare system providing very unequal outcomes. this relates in general to the marxist understanding of capital accumulation (long term its better for people’s surplus value to go to one capitalist who will then take the capital to then invest into making more capital resulting in more capital overall)