
The quote is nice and has a right thought behind it, though, concidering Mao’s actions, even if he actually said it, i doubt he ever really meant it.
The 20th century was a century of bloody dictatorships, and i think it is time to bring the new age of politically and ideologically strong leaders to the world: not as bloodstained, but still willing to overthrow the regiment of bloated inhumane cowards. After all, the world has changed a lot since the last century.
My point is, we have to stop praising glorious people of the past in order to see the potential leaders of the future.
All i see is how unhappy people are with the current regiment, but its almost as they are not willing to do anything about it. Are you really dislike our current politic paradigm as much as you’re trying to convey if you’re not actually doing anything?
Sorry, don’t mind me, i’m just shouting to the void and noone in particular.
bro really said 💀
dunk covered peasant convention is that way