Clever_Clover [she/her]
Even with the meaning of Semite=Jew
That’s still incredibly antisemitic, saying all jews are Zionists is just calling all jews supporters of genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing, it’s untrue of course, being a Jew has nothing to do with supporting ethnic cleansing and the existence of the state of Israel
Have this book comrade it has a lot of tips on really easy things to make that don’t require any big effort, and tips on how to stock your pantry and stuff to be able to make these things, it’s a very short read
like the others said, generalizing over jews like that is at least a little antisemitic, there are a lot of jews that do recognize the genocide and are anti-zionist/anti-Israel, or at least are speaking out against current Israeli action even if they don’t recognize the rest of Israel’s crimes
so, zionists as a group do only care about the holocaust because it happened to their group. but this is not the case for all jews.
fan channels do put segments like this on youtube, his official channel doesn’t upload most of the things he streams, I found a video here uploaded by a fan
but you’ve labelled the a party that still commits atrocities as “right” simply because they’ve committed fewer atrocities.
I’m not particularly a fan of Hamas, but historically, violence (including towards civilians of the colonizing force) is the only realistic way to escape colonial violence and apartheid.
You are too ideological. I’m a political realist; you’re a political idealist.
I have other reasons, so, I think you probably understand why I feel the way I do, not solely for idealism’s sake and simple want for justice.
I do see your point, but you have to keep in mind that the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians has never slowed, never stopped, making a deal with Israel would only mean that the genocide and ethnic cleansing will be complete in 20 years rather than 10
You have to play the cards you’re dealt.
Hamas did do that, no? Israel was about to normalize relations with Saudi arabia, and other countries in the region would’ve undoubtedly followed, if that went through then their fate would really be sealed, condemned to being wiped out, we’ll see how it works out now, after all, this is still ongoing, if Hezbollah joins, this may very well lead to a bigger conflict, one which Israel isn’t sure to survive, afterall most american weapon stockpiles have been drained and the west doesn’t really have the same manufacturing capacity for weapons as they used to have, in any case, this sparking into a larger conflict was basically the goal of this operation, the palestinian’s suffer silently while nations start normalizing relations with Israel, so Hamas decided to force the issue to be brought up again.
hopefully this turns into a larger conflict and we see Israel take a loss.
the cards on the table for palestinians are either accepting their own genocide or this, (or the fall of the united states/current western hegemony), so they did play the card they had, which Israel forced into only being violence, Israel has never once made a deal they kept, if you know that the assailant will in both cases pull the trigger, is being agreeable and giving them everything before dying the right option, or is thrashing and trying to grab their gun the right option, which gives a larger chance of survival?