
Cointelamateur [they/them,he/him]
Who are the new developers? I was a big fan of the original team but sadly i think there was some drama that happened between some project leaders
Dad was an immigrant to the US from the USSR, latched onto right wing stuff immediately and raised me as an anticommunist.
A bit of exposure to science in high school turned me lib, but at least opened the door to doubting preconceived notions. Then some gamergate bullshit in college put me on a bad path again as they pushed themselves as the people who were looking for the truth that was obscured by those dang agenda touting feminists, though they dived too quickly into obvious racism and sexism before i could be ‘eased’ into it. Big kudos out to the 'SJW’s who took the time to talk to me and help deconstruct the bullshit. Those people were well within their rights to just slap me across the face.
Actual radicalization happened a bit after when i became employed. I became more aware that the political discourse between ‘free and efficient private enterprise VS. big bad government’ was a false dichotomy when I had to deal with exploitative, greedy bullshit from both small business owners and corporations and watch them get away with it. Trump’s election played a part in it too, i feel like if you were a lib as displeased with the parties as I was there’s really nowhere else to go but left.
🎵 Lebensraum, lebensraum, gotta gotta get us some lebensraum 🎵
Not quitting, but the small business tyrant i worked under shut down her business when the whole place was cleaned out by burglars. The kitchen staff had to deal with constantly bouncing checks, horrible management (the ingredient suppliers and maintenance people had so many of their own checks bounce they often just straight up stopped deliveries) and shit working conditions. I have a suspicion they were behind it, but of course if they were they’d be absolutely justified. Either way, no snitchin.
God, fuck that sleazy hag.
Everyone grieves in their own way
Jesus. It would be interesting to see the effects his commentary would have for billions of people.
Live of the intellect. Die of the will