Creakybulks [he/him]
I had a world/american history teacher in high school basically say that bells ringing out for shift change was essentially what american schools were all about. i’m pretty sure the dude was a marxist of some stripe because he taught a week course on communism that wasn’t simple “communism bad,” but the trials that places like the ussr and cuba faced underneath massive colonialism and world war 2. he was a pretty awesome teacher.
I remember moving some equipment into a house I was working at in the dead of winter. sitting on the main line to the house was a big ruby red cardinal. I smoked a cigarette and stared at him for a minute or two before I went in to tie the main back in. I crossed my equipment in and the circuit popped bright and closed the main. never had that happen before. put everything back together and went about my business.
about an hour later I go outside for a cigarette and that beautiful cardinal lay dead on the sidewalk with its brains all over. I fried the poor dude.
fuckers settin up franchises
snake! you’re in an area with a lot of brick walls!
major, please don’t tell me to we-
yes snake! the brick wall camo!