
Ubuntu never advertised itself so blatantly.
Canonical advertising their products has been a thing on Ubuntu server motd for years
Arch Linux stable should got the KDE 6.1 update today
if it doesn’t appear in your system upgrade you might want to update your mirror list
Once I realize a package is going to take ages to get ready, is it possible to safely intervene to stop the process? I try to avoid it because in general I understand arch-based distros don’t like “partial” installs. But is it safe to stop compiling? No changes have yet been made, right?
AUR helper do that user friendly, just cancel the process with CTRL-C
the package gets installed only at the END of the compilation
compiling manually (no PKGBUILD or AUR helper) will be different, especially if don’t build a package first
things like make install
usually don’t and can leave a mess