oh man no you have it all wrong humans are good and you’re just intellectually lazy. we can all just get along. read this book by that guy. don’t think about how it’s never actually happened just believe that it can. oh let me get my comrades to come make insane nonsense and be insulting. look at al the upvoted i have. i’ basically live in a community of like minded people that all just sit around wanking each other off to fantasy. it’s great. join us.
Ok. I mean I personally believe with application of reforms and laws you can incrementally get things better. And it’s more about fighting corruption than trusting in the integrity of humanity.
But hey sure if thats your take away. Probably would have saved a lot of time by not going through all those insane hoops and just starting here right? Almost like half thought analogies and pure rhetoric isn’t an effective arguing tactic.
I mean I really haven’t taken you seriously from the start for the previously mentioned reasons so I’m glad youve come an understanding of some sort at last.
Yeah of doesn’t matter that less than 10% of us military personnel have ever seen any form of combat- giving you a 90% chance you’ll never fire a weapon outside of a range… of course joining means you get to go kill civilians.
Bro- you wandered in to a tangent about how people arent slaves and can make choices to a guy equating that to shooting civilians.
Lol of course I don’t respect you. Nor do I feel the need to point counter point with you. Get bent.
insert further unsourced, undocumented counter rhetoric to previous argument