Your life isn’t going to be “normal” and it’s not your fault. You are going to be different and it’s not because you are better or worse. just different. Just do your best and that’s all anyone can want from you.
That’s fine. That’s not what you have been saying though. What you’ve been saying is take my stuff and redistributed because I’m evil.
Way more effective to actually say the things you mean because we didn’t all buy into your Marxism and discuss it internally- so we don’t know what that you mean y when you say x.
Great. i don’t owe it to you. And I M not evil for not giving it to you. Make your case actually about the things you want- not some proxy bullshit that makes no sense and attacks me (and people like me)needlessly.
If you want to do something different- go do it. Go buy a place. Get a loan. Petition your senators. Give your house out as an example, etc. If you aren’t willing to do anything no one will do anything for you.
Did you just miss that the entire argument rests on unimproved land? By definition a home is on improved land.
Besides I really don’t care what smith or anyone else says- I’m not giving you the things I’ve paid for for free. If you want to use it- you can make an offer. But I’m not evil for not giving you something I worked for. You are for wanting it from me for free.
So your argument clearly states that we are living in capitalism… and at the same time states that your moral problem is one of idealism/communism. Your argument cannot exist in one and then transmute half way through to make it fit your narrative.
We live in capitalism. I have worked and saved to buy off my house which I now rent out at market (below market actually) and provide a home that my tenants could not afford to buy on their own. I haven’t increased rent since I started renting.
You are now blanket yelling I should be stripped of my investment. My effort. My money that I’ve worked for. And these other slack-jaws are frothing at the mouth because they can’t conceive of a difference between me and the multibillion dollar company who is actually doing what you are saying.
Then fucking say THAT. Not all landlords are evil. I’d be willing to bet 90% of these frothing loons don’t realize why you are trying to accomplish and are just riding the hate train.
He’ll yeah I’m all for more taxes to pay for healthcare/education/collective housing. Hell no am I ok with just giving my shit away because you happen to think I should. Sure- pay me for my investments at fair market value- and I’ll just go an reinvest in something else that you guys will inevitably think should belong to all.
So no- I’m not going to ever stand with you because you will always want something from me. Do I think things can and should change. Yes- but your way is a ridiculous way of going about it.