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r/Worldnews is literally an echo chamber for propaganda. They will literally ban users or lock posts/stories, so no one cannot use/repost the same source or even similar, exploiting their own rules to shut down even valid stories/sources of anything that goes against their pre-selected narratives. I have seen this firsthand on a number of topics and more than once, in order to end up shaping general narratives to normies by killing stories, thus creating a different worldview based on lies by omission.

Reddit, for news, just creates reality myopia.


Tried reading this. It’s seems written by an 11th grader, who has drank too many lattes for the first time. It would benefit from cutting down the comic book type cliché language by a tad.


That’s the point. But when Israel demands the Palestinians to be forcefully removed, they will exclaim that the pier can be used to have them ported out. To say, the EU or USA. Since removing them has always been the point. Thatich has been clear since the beginning of their invasion of Gaza, killing 35,000+ and herding them into that direction. The issue is if they will get away with it and the rest of the West will allow it. Or they will demand that Egypt takes them, which they won’t unless maybe they get we debt forgiven plus cash. Which I still doubt they will, Egypt is financially broke and has crazy debt anday not want to take millions of refugees.


Gravitational pull in local clusters of galaxies can exist and even contradict larger clusters or the universe as a whole, just in a smaller scale. The passage of time is also localised due to gravitational intensity, too. We know the universe is not expanding at the same rate in different places, as well.

This can happen in sets of complex systems of systems. In your query it somewhat analogous to if you were throwing a ball northbound at 100km/h in a train moving southbound at 50km/h. On a planet circling its star at 107,800 km/h in a total different direction. While the star drags the earth along with other planets in its own orbit in a different direction.


The ever growing pile of dead bodies burried in my backyard.

But they never seem to mind… For too long.


Oh, no.



Most people into Privacy, either stumbled upon the niche or work(ed) in some IT or related field. Have tried talking to the family, they are in denial or do not care. Or think that using WhatsApp is a wise choice and/or they are immune to ads. Somehow. It’s like talking to a goat who has more desire for habit over sense.

I remember playing with Google Now, thinking it ‘neat’ and then within seconds realizing that in order for it to work optimally meant giving Google everything. It got me to root my phone and removed Goople Play Services and/or different ROM.

Organic maps or OSMAnd. Plus, I find these two better for cycling and hiking, over Gmaps. If you must use Gmaps briefly, then GMaps WV from F-Droid.


And right after that, Israel will continue to bomb the southeast of Gaza as if nothing was agreed on, at all. Oh, typical Bibi.

But this was expected. The master plan is to get rid of the Palestinians, removed them from their land. Hoping someone else will take them, and then be their problem. Oh, typical Zionists.


Albeit her statement is quite correct and true, one can simply watch her own interview and see how she comes off as a complete hypocrite. Watch the part where they asked her why her book has a passage where she met North Korea’s Dictator. How? When?

Either, her book was ghost written --likely-- and the writer fucked up, writing North Korea instead of say, North Dakota and now she has to cover that shit up OR she actually wrote the book herself and outright lied with somwthing so removed and ridiculous that it defies reason and now she has to cover for it. Either way, she looks terrible. Woman should not be near any position of power.


Of course it never was. It was about optics positioning, glorified manipulative marketing for the normies and idealogues. To claim to not want to be bombing them back to the stone age and to drive them out.

There was a leaked intelligence paper/memo weeks ago that essentially showed that their entire master plan was to kick them, the Palestinians out of Gaza. Hoping some other country would take them. That is why they were pushing them south too.
