FuckItNewName [they/them]
Where do these people think the money comes from? Every single block literally creates money out of nowhere. It creates it by fiat
magacom: I’m a Marxist
Also magacom: My class analysis is based entirely on corporate brand identities
He kind of comes in waves. You can find him saying stuff that’s pseudo-populist. You can find him bragging about being a ghoul. You can find him acting like he gives a shit about people. You can find him talking about stuff like this where he’s just blatantly advocating violence as a form of systematized extrajudicial punitive justice. This feels like a ramp up to the elections for me.
Wonder who’s selling nuclear materials to the DPRK for crypto? Critical support to our :ancap-good: comrades
Their “demands” are just meeting the UN’s targets, too. Zero carbon or bust, libs.
Is this the Dark Brandon that I’ve been hearing about?