Greenjacketguy [he/him]
I think, they already try and claim they are non-partisan, They endorse and give money to Republicans in tight races and also endorse like a few safe democrats and give them something. That’s they kept claiming they are neutral/ non-partisan. I think (not 100% sure ) that allowed some privileges that partisan political orgs did not get (again not sure what those were but read this somewhere).
oh, the name is changing? what to?
city subreddits are centered on an interest in property values
I mean compared to my Country’s Subreddit the City’s is downright revolutionary. Talking about /r/Camada vs /r/Toronto. Like I know they have one ultra-right wing mod. It got so bad that the Canadian government. which previously used to occasionally post their stopped doing it all together (probably once it was brought to their attention)
Also, libs bait that isn’t the worst? Harry potter-ish, but better?
if you mean like a non-fiction story, with goodish politics/themes I would recommend, Mistborn or Stormlight archive both by the same author. Both seres are excellent Stormlight is the better but mistborn is the better series to read first (and more normie friendly). I think in the first chapter of Mistborn one of the main characters kills a slave owner and frees and arms the slaves on the plantation.
Don’t be a coward, Link to the original. Regardless what a fucking cry babay.
My favourite meme in Wheel of time is Elaine falling into a trap for the 100 th time or getting claped by other power wielders and then being told: “how brave and queenly she is”.
However, Kamala could also be Egwene, Just an unrepentant social climber, power-hungry with ambition and an Institutionalist. Maybe that describes hillary more
But my problem with this is, That there are no actual Wolves in the Tv show (maybe their dogs idk)? And as far I know none of the kids are actually raised by wolves but rather androids (Humanoid androids at that, they didn’t even take wolf form?). I think the jungle book is a better story about being raised by wolves.