Reddit refuge
Moderation is a volunteer activity that requires dealing with the public. I’m willing to give them wide leeway on how they want to moderate their own communities.
I wish them luck. Hopefully they start building from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from the beginning so they have minimum operating segments that can open before the whole line is complete.
I thought Their Eyes Were Watching God was really rough to read through because Hurston was trying to phonetically write out how her characters spoke and it was painful to read through.
And I like how it is somewhat discussed in American Fiction through the different writers and their approaches to black literature.
Because they are looking for conversations.
Any sort of high pressure sales sucks.
It is good in that it is easier to find communities that you like. It is bad in that you’ll probably be connected to communities you don’t like.
Wikipedia makes most of its money from donations, with some money coming from other sources like commercial API access. It consistently raises more money than it spends and has been building an endowment. However, that income mainly comes from the fundraising drives.
Wikipedia has an endowment, but it isn’t enough to run the website for more than a few years.
In terms of expenses, the largest expense is in having staff to run the various websites and foundation. Charity auditors rank the foundation highly on expenses, so the foundation is likely not overpaying staff.
Wikipedia needs donations to survive, but it isn’t struggling. If you feel like you have better things to donate to, it is probably ok for now.