Reddit refuge
Rural medicine has been in collapse for a while. Hospitals close and it is affecting pharmacies and primary care.
The problem right now is that people are choosing cultural war libertarian politicians over anyone who somewhat gives a shit about the people.
Yes. Just because I can imagine a book brought to life doesn’t mean I don’t like watching movies.
even though she never was my supervisor, she acted like it.
Did you clear this up with your actual supervisor? I’ve had plenty of cases where I’ve been given work by people not my supervisor, but my supervisor wanted me to help the other person out. And that no one wanted to hear your side of the story seems to suggest that this could be the case. You seem to be focusing on the popularity of your coworker rather than giving information on the reporting structure of your company.
It sounds like you aren’t happy in your given role at work, so you might as well leave. However, it seems like there may have been a different understanding to what your job is than what you thought it was.
It depends on what you define as lazy and popular.
I’ve had staff that were visibly not working harder than other staff, but their work was of significantly higher quality than others. Since the “lazy” worker produced more and could be counted on to do the work with less supervision, I gave them more flexibility in the office. I was playing favorites, but the favorite was more valuable as an employee.
And I’ve had other staff that would be considered more popular, but that was in part because they would help others at work doing coordination and mentoring tasks. I would also offload some of my managerial tasks to them if I was overwhelmed even though they didn’t have the title. If I offload the management of a task to someone else, I expect people to treat them with the same respect they treat me. I’ve seen that expectation not get followed and I’ve had to step in to remind staff that they need to coordinate with others, not just me.
I find that a lot of people who “do their job and go home” don’t end up doing any of the coordination or communication required for their job, even though their job is technical design. They end up being worse than they think at their job because it is so hard to work with them and won’t chime in on cases where there is shared responsibility.
Well, if it is going to be a typical Euro, I’m going to kind of zone out while listening to the rules, pick a play style that seems fun, then play to not be in last place.
Phone, wallet, keys, Leatherman, and watch.
When I travel, I generally lose my Leatherman due to TSA and I have travel wallet independent from my normal wallet. The travel wallet is a lot slimmer, has RFID protection, and carries a lot less.
It depends on the person.
I think they, for the majority of people, there is a rough number that could be derived from a standard of living they would want and not have to work. It isn’t a common number across people as people want different things.
That said, there are some people for whom there isn’t a number to satisfy them. Wealth becomes a high score to measure against others. For them, there is no good enough.
A few things.
First, it becomes a question whether it is in Ireland’s interest to allow an attack on the EU while maintaining its neutrality. Your proposal focuses solely on the defense of Ireland, but there may be negative impacts in sitting out a conflict involving the EU. Could Ireland sustain a Brexit even if it isn’t attacked.
Second, you’re right that small militaries don’t really contribute a lot to NATO. NATO had been trying to convert the Baltic states to focus on specialized units over fielding a general army because a general army of the size those nations could produce aren’t going to be a big affect on the battlefield.
Third, you are starting to describe the beginnings to what the National Guard in the USA became. The National Guard came from state militias and is used as an organ of individual states for civil defense and emergency response. Having a guerrilla force is good for self-defense, but it is also useful to have an internal militia able to deploy after natural disasters and other events to rebuild and restore order. A militia organizational structure would be a check on the state should it try to use the militia against the people.