HomemadeArsenal [he/him,they/them]
I saw that same vid, explains why he didn’t have his glasses. Also watch how they’re gonna twist the fact how he was carrying and used a firearm with impaired vision in his favor, the right and probably his attorney are gonna argue he couldn’t tell the bag wasn’t a gun as if that makes his actions any more justified
It’s Her Turn.
Just call them a Russian bot and move on, no changing their mind anyways and it seems to short circuit their brains
If you approve of Biden, ya ain’t communist, jack
I know how to use the kay-tana, I am the best at fighting with a kay-tana, everyone’s been saying it
Biden-Obama 2020
The people’s VOLCEL VANGUARD are on the scene! PLEASE RESERVE YOUR PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS FOR STRATEGIC ACTS OF MASS REVOLUTIONARY CUMMING!!! انتباه!! انتباه!! هنا جنود الحرية الجنسية. لدعم الثورة ، نطلب منك الابتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية والحفاظ على الحيوانات المنوية الخاصة بك من أجل العربدة الثورية الجماعية. يرجى الامتناع عن سخيف وامتصاص. الليبراليون البيض!