From September 9th at 8am PT until September 20th at 12pm PT, on all platforms, there will be a special Starfleet Museum in orbit above Deep Space Nine and Earth Space Dock. The museum contains the starring ships from Star Trek movies, television, and more. Hailing each ship will give you words from their crew, and both in universe and behind the scenes facts about the ship and show. Hailing all ten of the ships will grant you a special title: Historical Documents Expert.
Emphasis in bold is my own.
Seems so soon after the last Campaign Event part for it to already be time for the next one. Oh well, not going to complain.
Side note:
Is anyone else seeing really slow loading times on the STO website the past few days?
Fun tangent with this blog: Did anyone else notice the typo? As far as I have seen, I think it’s Fero’s first typo in a blog. Gotta keep that Cryptic tradition, I guess. Hahaha