
I was actually in my local co op last week (edit - time flies, no, it was a few weeks back now!) When a group rushed in, literally ransacked the place - openly filling up their bags, then brazenly quickly walked out. Absolute removed.
Staff couldn’t do anything. Said it’s happened numerous times before. In this case it was a lot who were parked up on the local field before being evicted and moved on.
Loading games from big floppy disks, hearing the CLINK CLUNK CLUNK WRRRRR noises, on the BBC Micro computers at school in the early 90s. There were boxes of awesome games like Chuckie egg that we had to work out how to load during lunch breaks.
Then getting our first home computer with win 3.11 which was a huge deal then
Well, I saw politics@lemmy.world was US only. So I blocked it.
That’s pretty much the extent of my involvement in moaning/bothering about politics here.