Privacy is a collective “war”, it’s not something that can be fought on individual level. You can adopt some precaution on a personal level, and try to do better, but it’s something that must be brought to a collective level.
Same as climate change policy and worker right.
It’s not social media, but the general mercification of every aspect of human life that we are seeing under a last-stage capitlistic society. Social media is “just” one of the main communication medium and that’s why you see it like an ideological source.
Fight against that, as much as you can. You should spend your time with things you find personally valuable for yourself and the people you love, do not use productivity as a worth criteria!
Never went away, actually.
Downloaded and I will keep seeding it h24 indefinitely. Thank you for sharing!
It would be cool to see a screenshot or two, since it’s basically a webUI! Thanks for sharing, anyway!
Bisogna collaborare gratuitamente SOLO con software a licenza libera. Viceversa, quando la community ha trasformato il prodotto in qualcosa di valore, penseranno sempre a vendere il vendibile (coff coff Reddit)