Kropotatokin [he/him]
Everyone where I live is surprised that there’s now constant bear, fox and coyote sightings. On an unrelated topic Eastern PA is now just warehouses and cookie cutter suburban developments on former farm, field and woodland.
Honestly due to the economic tumult that is coming, it ain’t gonna matter who democrats run in 2024
this november is going to be interesting as well
plot twist: the person running the twitter account is joe biden and his dementia finally ate the part of the brain that made him a dipshit
Imagine sucking so much you even make triangles lame
For this one time and this one time only ,I’m going to agree with Jamie Diamond and say there’s the possibility of something worse than a recession happening.
I’ve been telling the liberals that it’s gonna be reminiscent of the troubles in ireland
I just get told I’m overreacting, oh well
Isn’t he the guy that wants to/wanted to/currently injects himself with young people’s blood?
The CDC is gonna let Polio slow burn thru the population so liberals can draw even more parallels between FDR and Biden