People with office jobs who didn’t want an office job, how did you get to where you are? I am an ADHDer (and yes I know I can’t use it as an excuse) who wants to get into teaching but I’m being discouraged by basically everyone and I also want to consider my options. But I don’t see myself sitting at a desk for ages at a time.
Also, second question incoming. I saw some people on the beach today hitting a ball back and forth with bats that looked like cricket bats but the top of the bat was shaped like a lacrosse one. So imagine a cricket bat with a lacrosse shaped head. Does anyone know what this kind of bat is? Just a special cricket bat?
Thank you to all the people who gave me words of wisdom yesterday. I love this little community. And it’s nice to have people on my side. 🫶
I’ve got some self-care to do. Unread books, movies to watch, doggo to pat, new gym to try. Yesterday my dad made me stand in the green waste bin to squash down the leaves and branches. It’s the little things.
These bad feelings will pass. I will feel moments of joy again. I will focus on me and ultimately live the life I want to live. I will be okay.
P.S. I’m plugging this now, if you’re into seeing your music listening stats - last.fm! Also good to keep up with what friends are listening to (and see who listens the most)!
Thanks for your advice. I’m definitely going to ease up a bit.
This is honestly the vibe rn https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=WEAFgJ0Wcla4-cR7&fbclid=PAAaY4uVT7L-bN7IITbCJUluOyIwaa1NeAjX2sIU0B7qegtbiu_7A3sforpQg&v=L5ZL84PHiTY&feature=youtu.be
Saw the boyfriend today. He asked me why I didn’t tell him how I felt when I gave him his present because I told him it was fine then but sent a text saying how hurt I was two weeks later. So what I took from that is maybe I should be more open with my emotions in the moment. I did say it is tricky for me to pinpoint how I feel and that the emotions and thoughts don’t come to me until I’ve had some time alone. I think this is something I could work on in therapy. I didn’t think alexithymia was something I struggled with but maybe that is actually the case.
I ended up saying don’t worry about the card (he still hadn’t done it) but discussed a little about our expectations about important dates. Didn’t mention my birthday which is still a few months away (does he even remember when my birthday is lol) but he did bring up Valentine’s Day and said we should go out for it which is cool.
He apologised for hurting my feelings too and I just felt overwhelmed and almost burst into tears. I feel weird showing raw emotion in front of him for some reason.
All I can focus on is the way I express my emotions because other people have noticed mood swings.
But all in all, progress.
Thanks for this. I sent a message including what you said, and because I have a lot of emotions swirling around, I said that I deserve better and if it means that I break up with him for that to happen, then I will.
I feel like he will use his dyslexia as an excuse again or say something like, “I didn’t know what you wanted.”
He didn’t ask his mum what she wanted and still got her something.