M68040 [they/them]
Mirroring behavior’s become a lot more common lately, sometimes in a naked tit-for-tat fashion. I was ahead of the curve.
Regrettably, though, mere imitation will never succeed - As the dems fail by chasing right wing policy and discarded neocons, so too will the directionless adoption of belligerence for belligerence’s sake. Shit, that’s how I ended up here.
Insofar as one can win a social media argument, I find it to be when i’ve annoyed the other guy to the point that he insinuates that i’m a sexual predator and makes a thinly veiled death threat. Took a day but I got there
Killer7. Been meaning to get around to this one for the better part of seventeen years and boy howdy I wish I’d done it sooner. This one was a pretty clear inspiration for the Hotline Miami games, and i’m a big fan of those.
I didn’t have any regrets when I decided to get permabanned on purpose by saying that Elon should neck himself the day after the election
Yeah, I’m a bara connoisseur
I am Sisyphus, and spending my days off arguing with people who won’t listen on social media is my ironic divine punishment involving hauling boulders up mountains for all of eternity.
In my case it’s not even about being right or winning, it’s about making more noise than they do. Flood the zone, as bannon’d put it
Yeah, that was the culmination of over a century’s work and various precursor rebellions by various players. We don’t have that kind of momentum, and at this point i’m starting to suspect americans are useless on a psychological level (myself included) so i’m not sure anyone could get it together enough to make anything effective happen.
My big question mark is what the way out is. Carrying out some entryist project on the reps is a no-go, and I would genuinely be surprised if third parties ever came to represent a force worth taking seriously in my lifetime.
We’re in a tight spot. A real tight spot. The entire status quo has practically been engineered to preclude anything significant changing.