Maaskarpone [they/them]
Says everything you need to know. No one is saying there is ethical consumption under capitalism, but saying that as an excuse is just a rejection of ethics.
You’re not understanding what veganism actually is. It’s not harm reduction to the animals - or intervening in nature. That’s a different doctrine.
Veganism is just the doctrine (set of beliefs) that humanity should live without exploiting animals. The biggest change you can make in that regard is being vegan and not supporting plant based capitalist shit too.
They just want to avoid personal accountability. There’s a link above I shared that summarised everything on non-vegan leftists succintly as hell.
Edit: This is the one
Of course it is. Even if we go by utilitarian logic, the biggest way you can reduce your impact and suffering RIGHT NOW is by going vegan. Animal ag has a horrible impact on the animals - but also on humans too. Stop rejecting ethics. You literally can dismantle a massive part of an industry that we don’t currently depend on by not paying for that shit.
Did you know the FBI did a study into slaughterhouses that showed that when slaughterhouses entered an area, rates of everything like rape, domestic assault and particular crimes all went up in the area and the neighbouring areas?
Also, this nicely says everything on non-vegan leftists:
Lol veganism isn’t about environmentalism. Even if vegans have much less impact on the environment by nigh every metric. It’s just a doctrine (set of beliefs) that humans should live without exploiting animals.
Stop rejecting ethics. You saying “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” as an excuse for your behaviours is just a rejection of ethics. Sure, choosing to stab a cow in the throat - a cow that expresses subjectivity - is bourgoise for you - because you are creating a narrative that suits your most egoistical, selfish behaviours - instead of actually advocating for a better world. Your ethics should form your behaviour. Not the other way round.
But actual vegans also try consume the most ethically in other regards in the capitalist society we live in. Veganism isn’t just a diet - and it isn’t just a consumer position in capitalism. Actual vegans reject the idea that capitalism is a good thing. We reject Alpro, Gardein. Impossible, Beyond, Just Egg, nigh all fast food corporations, because they are worse than others. Exploitation is still exploitation of course, but to reject the idea that individual agency matters means you’re just an opinionated mouthpiece of leftwing ideas and have no praxis. You will never change social structure like that.
Of course, we cannot be perfect in our consumption, not at all in this society, but actual vegans do their damn best to reduce suffering by choosing better companies within the best of their ability for their needs whilst also advocating and organising for change. You can’t just advocate and not change your personal behaviour. Do you think animal ag will just disappear in a non-vegan ‘leftist’ society?
Of course, welfare reform isn’t enough, but actual vegans do more than that. They reject capitalism.