
Malspoken [she/her]
My parents despise each other at times. They fight all the time and been together almost 40 years. Dedication and commitment and less of a focus in the type of live we usually think of. But also my parents are kind of religious and they value marriage for other reasons as well
I remember reading that the owner of Buzzfeed is an accelerationist and wanted flood the internet with enough garbage that society wouldn’t have a stable culture until it collapsed.
Found it: https://www.vox.com/2014/5/20/5730762/buzzfeeds-founder-used-to-write-marxist-theory-and-it-explains
They are going full authoritarian.
Do you all seriously think they are unvaccinated? Even fucking Trump is vaccinated. They might test positive and have a sniffle the next day.
Also I don’t know why this is posted as covid rules for the upper class. We are still doing festivals out here. Lollapalooza is going on. I live in liberal Colorado and everyone pretty much said, “get the vaccine. No mask mandates no closures.”
The CDC recommends vaccine first and masks if you’re not vaccinated.
Yeah the hammer and sickle are pretty toxic for normies who associate it with totalitarianism whether we like it or not. Doesn’t matter what the USSR was. The fact that anyone brings up a nonexistent country in attempt to radicalize anyone is just fighting the cold war propaganda. It’s ultimately pointless.
Bruh, I’m fighting for whatever gets people moving left. I want conservatives to be where the Dems are and I want the Dems further left. I push social democracy, democratic socialism, anarchism, Leninism, Maoism etcs. Whatever they want to hear to move them left. Anything but what the libs are now. The conservatives have just about gone full fascist at this point. Even the military leaders had said they fought the same ideology in WWII and they even know what’s ahead.
This is the opposite of based. Nobody has been able to sell USSR style communism and nobody wants it. It’s fighting against cold war propaganda about the USSR instead of actually abandoning toxic symbols and simply talking about actually leftists issue. Better: Make the default home page a union page if it goes to other people. Have a picture of Bezo’s Yacht with him laughing and text saying , “We can’t afford to give you a raise.” Or the tweet saying Bezos thanks you for your labor.
Basically: this is mask off behavior and does more harm then good and it’s just virtue signaling to people who already agree with you.