McDirtyBirdy [he/him]
You mean Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? I fucking love those books.
I got a lot out of “Shardik” by Richard Adams but if books with weird names in them bother you then you won’t like this book much either. I’m sorry but you sound like some kind of 4 year old picky eater but with books. No weird names or humor please, just more generic white guy shit like Jules Verne please. Kind of sad.
Of course. The old chant was “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!” and all the corporations realized that the Reduce and Reuse parts would fuck up their bottom line so they plaster RECYCLE all the time everywhere on everything, in your face 24/7 so you don’t think about reducing consumption.
Starting a petition to have a community just for rock and mineral posting. I fucking love rocks. Anyone else collect rocks? Want to talk about rocks? Hit me up
Yeah it’s clearly Mac Dre from the Baaaaayyyyy
My mom: “Trump has made peace deals with many nations”
Me: “Which ones?”
My mom: “I don’t know, I’d have to look it up. It was in the news”
“My taxes are prepaid” lol yeah okay
Oh shit, I used to work at Kohl’s. Blast from the fucking past. Now I work for Amazon, go figure. Hang in there, fam. Retail is hell
Hang in there, fam