
McDirtyBirdy [he/him]

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We love our accelerationists don’t we folks


Well I can only speak to my individual experience, at the specific type of warehouse I’m in. There are fulfillment centers, where individual orders are picked and packed in boxes/envelopes. These are the places I’ve heard most of the horror stories about I think. I work at a different kind called a DPS which are smaller. No one pees in bottles but it can be intense. Lots of different tasks and some you have to be legit fast at, or they pull you off and get you to do something simpler. I’m pretty good at the task I do so I’ve never learned what happens if you’re just not fast enough/ good enough to keep up. There are cameras everywhere and I’m not exactly sure who is watching but I don’t think it’s anyone who is actually in the building which is kinda disconcerting. They’re taking COVID pretty serious, there are literally people walking around with bullhorns screaming “6 feet” and that’s their whole job. You can’t get too close to anyone for too long without someone yelling or telling you “Don’t get too close, the cameras are watching”. Literally I can’t even walk around Wal Mart anymore without inwardly freaking out for a couple seconds every time someone gets too close to me because of the conditioning.

It could be worse. 15.35/hour, full time, lots of overtime, 401k. 3 am to 11:30 (which I like way better than 9-5 but not everyone’s cup of tea). The job is a good fit because of how my mind works; I like my work simple and fast paced. Point me at a palette of boxes and I’ll throw that shit on the conveyor like a man possessed. If I do well, the other people on my team down the line from me can do their jobs well and that’s rewarding for me. I’m lucky though, I’m strong enough to keep up and I have family support as a safety net. If I was on my own, having to pick up loads of over time just to make ends meet, wearing myself out, I don’t think I’d be as satisfied with the job as I am.

At the end of the day, if you can move pretty fast, follow orders, and are good at anticipating the desires of your higher ups, you could do way worse than Amazon. I know I like it better than Kohl’s. I could rant about my time at Kohl’s. Or my time at Sport Chalet. God I hate retail


Same. Mineral posting community when


I guess it depends on the specific task you do and which warehouse. I do Unload on the induction line at a DPS and it’s a more intense workout than anything I’ve ever done tbh. It’s basically lifting weights and doing squats for 5 straight hours. I’ve been there 2 months and I’ve got muscles now that I didn’t know existed


Then why didn’t you? Have you ever written anything actually?


Hard disagree on all points. Sounds like most of it went over your head. If you think Jules Verne makes interesting literature then there is precious little we could ever agree on.


My girlfriend exclusively goes for pineapple pizza. Full stop. I go along because I like pizza no matter what’s on it really. It’s not bad but I prefer olives, artichoke hearts, stuff like that.


It’s deeper than you think. I’ve been working at an Amazon DPS (wearhouse) for like a month now and the waste is astounding. Because of COVID, the water fountains are off limits so the company has to bring in palettes and palettes of plastic bottled water because employees all need water. Working hard, I’ll drink at least 5 or 6 a day. Multiply that by the hundreds of people that work with me and it’s so much fucking plastic it defies imagination. Oh, and only one specifically marked Recycling receptacle in the whole building so that’s nice.
