Sympathetic hugs for you! 🫂
I feel your pain friend. I’m sure you’re a fantastic teacher though! But I bet the constant focus-breaking and admin side of things puts a serious strain on you!
I found myself teaching a martial arts class regularly as a side thing. (Classes across all age groups), and even though people think I’m “so outgoing”, lemme tell ya…the martial arts part is the least exhausting part of it! 😂
I hope you find something that still feels fulfilling but allows you to work more naturally. :)
Man I never got around to that one either! Added to the list!
Definitely a bit more meta-parodying of such films, and much more modern sensibilities to the point it’s a little offtopic maybe, but nobody really references the comedic genius of Undercover Brother anymore. That movie is solid gold. Lmao
If you really want to, I sincerely hope you set up your movie theater in some form or another. 🍿😁
Oh my gosh. I remember catching a bit of this one when I was flipping through TV way back when. It was AWESOME!!!
I never got the name though, but I remember it vividly as one of those movies that’s so ridiculous but you can just tell everybody was having a great time hamming it up, and it’s just a fun ride.
So…now The Last Dragon is on my list to give a proper watch hahaha.
I suffered a job exactly like this for almost a decade. Public facing, helpdesk kind of work. Obviously I was also assigned office-like busywork as well.
So the entire job was just having my brain ripped between “What was I doing?” And “Excuse me fix my problem sir, but let me ramble about how frustrated it makes me for like 20 minutes first because you’re cheaper than a therapist!”
I’m still trying to undo how much that place screwed me up.
I get the caution about unintended consequences but damnit of all the crazy planetary issues we’re dealing with right now, I’d rank
“oops, got rid of West Nile and Malaria as well as annoying little red bumps from wandering too far from big cities”
As a win, the consequences of which we can probably figure out how to deal with when we come to it.
I know it doesn’t work that way but I’d trade all the world’s mosquitoes to keep the polar bears or pangolins or something any day.
Haven’t seen it here yet: Metro 2033 (sequels good too)
I’d also say S.T.A.L.K.E.R for the similar elements. But it’s pretty well known and if it interests you, you know why you should be playing it. :p
Metro 2033 wowed me, and I still think of it fondly. Y’see, at the time, everyone was loudly clamoring for “open world this” and “RPG progression system that” and “Every choice matters branching storylines!”. Everything had to be marketed as some huge pseudo-endless experience with limitless freedom. Sure, sure, there’s a place for that. BUT…
Metro 2033 is a fairly linear post apocalypse shooter based off of a novel of the same name that doesn’t overstay its welcome. And know what? It feels like playing through a good book.
You experience this twisted, scary, often beautiful world through Artyom’s eyes as he explores hostile tunnels and the inhospitable surface, and along the way you meet a cast of very interesting, very “alive” feeling characters. The various mutant creatures, too, have fascinating behaviors and personalities. Even though many parts are scripted, you still feel a sense of awe with seeing the consistency with how these things behave.
Subterranean tunnels and frozen post-nuke wastelands feel ALIVE when you’re checking your map with a lighter, or scrounging for a gas mask after yours cracked, and you cling to the numbered, desperate breaths through your last filter. (I’m being dramatic it rarely gets THAT desperate lol.)
The real beauty of the game, like humanity’s remnants, are under the surface. It’s subtle. There’s a hidden morality system keeping track of how Artyom reacts to the world, and the overall themes and sociology go much further than “war is bad mmkay?”. Do you meet brutality with brutality, or do you combat the darkness of this world with understanding and mercy?
Sadly, Metro Last Light carries on with 2033’s bad ending as canon. Which makes sense, but 2033’s good ending is so GOOD.
They’re regularly ridiculously cheap now, and I personally loved the experience.
Also: The best difficulty system I’ve ever seen in a shooter. It feels like playing on “Ranger Hardcore” is the intended experience. It doesn’t go the lazy route of making the player weak and the enemies strong. It goes for realism.
Enemies get smarter but will actually go down in a good hit or two…But careful!..So will you.
Woo! ALWAYS a good day to see InkScape getting some updates! I suck at it but I sure do appreciate it. :D