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Not quite what you’re asking, but I once fell asleep on a long haul flight listening to a Cinematic Orchestra album with some very comfy headphones.

I woke up to a little filler / ambient track that is mostly silence with a ship’s fog horn blown a few times… The cabin was dark, most people were asleep or quietly watching movies, and my half asleep brain forgot I was wearing headphones. I went from confused to creeping panic about what this horn meant and why no on else was reacting to it until I finally woke up properly


While it’s cool to show concern for someone who might need to hear some words of encouragement for getting help (well, minus the scare tactics of a dead relative story), you seem to have conflated this poster’s description of the ‘pattern’ a night out drinking can take with a ‘pattern’ of problem drinking every day, or far too often at least.

What they described is perfectly familiar to me, someone who drank to a level of bad hangover on occasion when I was young and having dumb fun with friends. As I got older, that type of fun got less important and the amount I drink came down to a drink or two, rarely, when I can afford a nice whisky or something.

Basically, someone recognising how a night of social drinking can turn into a hangover isn’t necessarily the cry for help you seem to have read it as


Posted this recently on a similar but different question, may as well include it here because it fits:

Exploring an easy cave with a friend. Nothing tricky at all, just one way through, standing room all the way, about 1m wide, ankle deep water flowing through the whole way (walking against the flow).

As we went, the water very slowly became harder to press forwards against. The change was so gradual we were second-guessing it the entire time until it got really strong. We figured it was better to walk against it than with it - at this point it was rushing against our legs, and the thought of slipping and being swept through, bouncing off of the walls, was not great. It felt much easier to keep our footing facing the flow, and also it seemed like we were much closer to the end than the beginning (the cave had an exit at both ends, it was basically a small fork of a river that cut through a hill).

So we pressed on, until we got to a point that should have been a small scramble up a few bits of rock - except now there was a massive flow of water hitting us at chest level as we tried to climb it. We were both completely unable to push against it and get up. We were also now convinced that the cave was filling up with water so we had to get out - which now meant turning around and doing the whole length again but with the water hitting the back of our legs the whole way.

Oh and the water was freezing, coming off of some snowy mountains. So for about an hour, we held onto the sides of the cave and slowly tried to move steadily through, while by this point I had almost no feeling in my frozen feet to help with keeping my footing. It was like guesswork every step.

By the time we got out, the water had risen by almost a metre I’d say. Not much but the extra force was insane, and the feeling of a cave filling up with water behind you was not easily ignored. Anyway, turns out there was heavy rainfall way up river from us, always check the forecast and think beyond where you are when dealing with rivers and caves!


I’d suggest editing that in the main post for those who don’t know and don’t see this comment


The first Headless I encountered in Sekiro. I was seeing enough progress and understanding what was being asked of me just enough to be stubborn as hell and kept trying to fight it head on, without having any knowledge yet of any helpful items that make the fight less rage-enducing.

Outside of Fromsoft, my NG+ encounter with the green swamp monster thing in Lies of P seemed SO much harder than the first time. So I’m not sure if this boss is considered easy or hard, but I didn’t consider it to be very hard going in for a second time and got quite stuck for a while…


This is exactly what I was after, thank you! I will probably parry too much coming from Sekiro so the Strength route sounds good - is the Sweeper as viable as the Bastard all the way through (with motivity levelling)?

I think if I’d asked a similar question for BB I would have loved it, but I was stubborn and tried to learn all of it by myself. Instead I learned that I just want to be mastering a few mechanics rather than having open ended options to dozens


Oh damn. I thought from some gameplay I’ve seen that perfect blocks also worked towards staggering an enemy? Which made me think of Sekiro, just not as pronounced / focused on


Thanks again for your advice!

I’ve just beaten the scrapped watchman and I’m really enjoying it, and having the decisions streamlined by you is helping for sure. The only thing I’ve done differently is change the handle to the baton handle, as it’s a bit faster to deliver the charged hit (which is crucial when I’m going for stagger as often as I can).
