Why don’t you check and see for yourself?
(yes, there’s lots)
Carla and QJackCTL for me. So much easier than having to haul around all my amps, pedals, etc.
Obvious answer, but nobody has said it yet;
Just go to,, or
You can also selfhost the frontends yourself and have them point wherever you’d like my default.
If I could find it in 2 minutes, so can you.
Drinking Water has a 100% fatality rate. Everyone who drinks it eventually dies.
(also a good example of why correlation =/= causation)
Ill throw in some obscure ones I use daily.
StemRoller. It’s an AI-powered toolthat takes an mp3 and separates each instrument into its own file. Im a musician, and having access to stems like this is a game changer.
Carla is a tool for hosting VST plugins without the need for a full DAW. I primarily use Amp Simulators, and this has become a mandatory tool on any computer I use. It’s also maintained by the creator of KXStudio.