Nixon [she/her]
thinking about 2001 a space odyssey but it has hal locking up the spaceship to fly into the twin towers
the gay Chechen in Barry kind of fits, except he is evil, just with a friendly and helpful aesthetic
edit: absolutely great that the most prominent Chechen character was made to be very gay considering that Kadyrov runs gay extermination camps back in Chechnya
not sure how far I can get telling people “trust me read dung”
got a weird old 1930s church book from a thrift store and I just found out it was signed by the author
I met a pothead yesterday that had no personality. Vaguely talked about wanting to make money being a social media influencer and selling salsa. Told me they were an unemployed college dropout. Self-described “spiritual” person who only held contrived and unimaginative religious views that conveniently involve taking more drugs.
I want them to learn to swim.