Octagonprime [any]
I do believe that about everyone else but I cant apply it to myself.i think things about myself I would never think about others. The social darwinism and death drive of this society is still in my head telling me I’m worthless I’m a useless eater and ill never be a valuable man or woman or whatever I am I’ll never have a place, even in circles like this I dont fit in I’ve never had a place I belong
What is time for myself, there’s nothing I enjoy now. I’ve heard focus on yourself so much, clearly I am I’m focused on hatig myself and hurting myself and wasting away. That’s unhealthy and toxic and I’m just embracing it now I’m goin to be a piece of shit that brings everyone down at least if I do it openly and loudly nobody will ever give me time and get disappointed that they can’t help me it’ll just be obvious
I don’t want to take money from people when it could be going to gazans or people who are immediately homeless or anyone who needs it more than I do. You talk about what I wish for and i think I really just do want to suffer and thats why it happens. I must want to be this way or I wouldn’t sabatoge myself and put myself in this position. My brain is so completely broken and useless.
Go to any of these places now. Not saying this argument was valid before Oct 7 but how could you say this when everything is gaza is rubble now.