Possibly. I don’t think ultimately the final decision was hers to make but the CEO’s as he was on the second round interview with her. I don’t think the CEO was too keen on me by the end of the interview but I think if it had been up to the team lead I may have gotten it. Based on some of the reviews of the organisation on Glassdoor, the CEO seems to be quite controlling and a lot of people leave because of him. So i probably dodged a big bullet
So I didn’t get the job that I applied for. But in a weird twist the team leader for the role who interviewed me is leaving the organisation this week. She asked if we could connect on Linkedin as she thought i had a lot to offer and wants to keep me in mind for roles that come up at her new employer. So i guess that is a win.
I’ve been in your situation a few times. I was just honest and explained the situation, which was I had lost my job was about to start a new one. I gave them a set date for when rent would be paid and offered to do part payments before that date if i was able to and was very apologetic about it. If this is your first time ever I doubt it will be a big issue for the RE because you have a demonstrated good history. My RE was really understanding said it was fine and didn’t make a big deal out of it. I did get reminder sms’s to say I was x number of days in arrears but this was due to the system being automated. So the RE may do this as well but I wouldn’t worry if they do.
Thank you you for this. This has helped me feel a lot better this morning :) Culturally we all seemed to be on the same wavelength and I think i said the right things in terms of culture and why i want to work for them. I didn’t even think I would make it past the phone interview and I told them as when thanking them for the privilege and considering me for the role. But yeah, interviews really stress me out and I just can’t process the questions properly and my answers come out as superficial or rushed as a result. Hopefully they saw something worthwhile in me :)
Thanks SC. You’re right. I mean I didn’t even think I would make it beyond the phone interview. I think the interview being with the CEO really threw me off or maybe I just felt that and he was impressed with some of my answers. I don’t know. I’m just going to assume the worst and let it go because usually thats when something good happens haha.
Thanks spudsy. Between Interviewing and getting the second part of an assessment to see if I’m on the spectrum it’s just been a big fucking day and I got a lot of emotions going around. But self care is in progress, had a hot shower, got a cup of lemsip (because for some reason it helps calm me down) and dinner is hot mexican sausages in bread with some chips and corn and peas. I think some One piece live action and HALO is on the cards for tonight.
Well interview done and I think I fucked it. I stumbled on a few questions and I think i didn’t give detailed enough answers for the CEO and i just felt overwhelmed. but i’m hoping my humbleness and reasons for applying for the job get me by. but probably not. I feel like shit dying. I should find out early next week.
Second assessment for Austism done and the clinician also flagged some possible ADHD stuff going on as well. Will get the verdict on the 28th. Now home, had some ham and cheese croissants and now going to relax for a couple of hours before finishing prep for my final interview at 4pm. Also have some chicken nuggs to look forward to for second lunch .