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So some of you may remember my recent trials and tribulations with my toxic boss who wanted me to fire an employee for no valid reason. Well I have been looking for a new job and have a first round interview tomorrow for an amazing job with an amazing company and I just want people to pray for me. I’m afraid it won’t work out and I’m going to be stuck in my shitty hell hole job.

Edit: Thank you for the kind words and encouragement everysmurf


So I didn’t get the job that I applied for. But in a weird twist the team leader for the role who interviewed me is leaving the organisation this week. She asked if we could connect on Linkedin as she thought i had a lot to offer and wants to keep me in mind for roles that come up at her new employer. So i guess that is a win.


So I’ve been talking a lot about my recent bouts with anxiety which stem from an issue occurring at work. No one probably remembers me posting about this but my boss wanted me to fire someone without following correct fair work process and while i managed to put that fire out other stuff has eventuated because of it which has been cause for my anxiety.

Anyway this morning I woke up to a life preserver from the universe in the form of a hefty tax return that is enough for me to live off for a couple of months if i decide to quit my current role. I’ve already started applying for jobs and my plan would be to give 2 weeks notice which will give a nice boost to my savings. So I think I’m going to go ahead and quit. Hopefully I will have something lined up in the couple of weeks but if not i’ll at least have some savings to dip into.


Holy crap just got a call from the company I’ve applied for a job at and have made it to first round interview. Got picked out 81 applicants as one of 10 for phone interviews, Somehow made it through the psychometric testing now just gotta make it through the first round interview. Hello imposter syndrome my old friend i wish i didn’t have to talk to you again.


I just offered a second round interview for the role I applied for. This one is with the team lead and the CEO and its on thursday. Super nervous but excited.


Yeas and you call them Steam trains despite the fact they are obviously grilled


Feeling better today anxiety wise. A couple of jobs popped up on seek that sound pretty chill so I applied for both and now about to put some nuggets in the oven for lunchie munchies. Also having a laugh at the expense of the greek family next door renovating the rental that they own. They are having the most mundane, polite conversations but speaking to each other in a tone so aggressive that they sound like they’re all about to have a punch on.


I always laugh at the serving suggestion on like leggo’s tortellini, ravioli extra. Serves 4 apparently. I assume that is children and not a grown-arse man


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who replied last night to my anxiety freak out. I had a shower, a cup of lemsip and that helped me calm down and I got a decent sleep. Woke up this morning feeling less catastrophic and thinking that maybe sometimes shitty things happen for good reasons. I really want to return to study so had the idea to maybe do a bartending short course at the vic bar school and get a hospo job and get out of retail management so I can finally return to study and do a counselling course. Anyone done a course at the vic bar school per chance and has advice?


Just under two hours until my the first session of my assessment to see if I am on the autism spectrum. Nervous but also hopeful for some answers
